City of Bicknell Wastewater Treatment Plant
City of Bicknell Wastewater Treatment Plant
City of Bicknell, Indiana
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Project Description: Historically, the City had experienced problems with Inflow/Infiltration (I/I) in its system and its treatment plant was in need of rehabilitation or replacement. The City contracted with United Consulting to review the 3-year-old studies, further investigate the system and update any applicable data. United Consulting prepared the City’s Wastewater Compliance Plan required by the State of Indiana. Also, United Consulting prepared a Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) for an SRF loan to construct a new 1.0 MGD wastewater treatment plant. The plant includes a new Laboratory and Office Building, headworks with fine screening and pump equipment, oxidation ditch, secondary clarifiers, uv disinfection, aerobic digestion, and geotextile bag dewatering facilities.
Approximate Project Cost: $5,000,000
Breadth of Services Provided: Survey, Planning, Preliminary Engineering, Design Engineering, and Construction Administration