
City of Bicknell Wastewater Treatment Plant

City of Bicknell Wastewater Treatment Plant

City of Bicknell Wastewater Treatment Plant


City of Bicknell, Indiana

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Project Description:  Historically, the City had experienced problems with Inflow/Infiltration (I/I) in its system and its treatment plant was in need of rehabilitation or replacement.  The City contracted with United Consulting to review the 3-year-old studies, further investigate the system and update any applicable data.  United Consulting prepared the City’s Wastewater Compliance Plan required by the State of Indiana. Also, United Consulting prepared a Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) for an SRF loan to construct a new 1.0 MGD wastewater treatment plant.  The plant includes a new Laboratory and Office Building, headworks with fine screening and pump equipment, oxidation ditch, secondary clarifiers, uv disinfection, aerobic digestion, and geotextile bag dewatering facilities.

Approximate Project Cost:  $5,000,000

Breadth of Services Provided:  Survey, Planning, Preliminary Engineering, Design Engineering, and Construction Administration


City of Sullivan Wastewater Treatment Plant

City of Sullivan Wastewater Treatment Plant

City of Sullivan Wastewater Treatment Plant


City of Sullivan, Indiana

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Project Description:  The City of Sullivan found itself involved with Enforcement Action with the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM). The existing Lagoon Wastewater Treatment Plant could not comply with its upcoming NPDES Limits.  United Consulting evaluated the existing facility and prepared the required Water Quality Standards Compliance Plan for the City. A new mechanical wastewater treatment plant was proposed and the Preliminary Engineering Report required for the State Revolving Fund Loan Program was approved.  United Consulting also assisted the City in obtaining a $500,000 grant from the Indiana Office of Rural Affairs. The project is completed and operating within the City’s NPDES Permit Requirements.

Approximate Project Cost:  $5,500,000

Breadth of Services Provided:  Planning, Survey, Preliminary Engineering, Design Engineering, and Construction Administration


I-70 Interchange Modifications at US27

I-70 Interchange Modifications at US27

I-70 Interchange Modifications at US27


Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT), Richmond, IN

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Project Description:  The US 27 over I-70 bridge is a two-span continuous composite steel plate girder structure with a total length of 182 feet.  It consists of a complex geometry and design with access ramps tying in at each corner of this single point interchange.

This interchange was designed to increase traffic flow by reducing the number of traffic signals to efficiently move traffic to and from the ramps and along US 27 mainline.  Large “edge girder” members were designed with connections to multiple members which carry the forces and moments to the large splice plates which rest on pot bearing s located on either side of the center pier.  More than 430 tons of structural steel and over 2000 cubic yards of concrete were used for this structure.  Curved, open window, decorative bridge railing sits atop the bridge deck, and tinted ashlar block architectural treatment accent the pier face and retaining walls below.

Approximate Project Cost:  $2,700,000

Breadth of Services Provided:  Survey, Environmental Services, and Bridge Design


Wabash County Bridge No. 505

Wabash County Bridge No. 505

Wabash County Bridge No. 505


Wabash County Commissioners

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Project Description:  Rehabilitation of a 100-Year Old Historic earth-filled concrete spandrel arch bridge carrying Ferry Street over Vermont Street and Charles Creek.

This bridge rehabilitation project needed the completion of a Categorical Exclusion, Level 3 / Programmatic Section 4 (f).  This type of environmental documentation was required due to the project’s impact on a bridge identified as a candidate for the National Register of Historic Places.  As a result, the project required exhaustive coordination with Section 106 Consulting Agencies in an effort to satisfy historic concerns.  Stipulations remediating the project’s effect on the bridge were documented in a Memorandum of Agreement.  Additionally, the bridge was also photographically documented in accordance with current standards as stipulated in the project’s Memorandum of Agreement.

Approximate Project Cost:  $750,000

Breadth of Services Provided:  Survey, Environmental Services, Bridge Design, and Construction Inspection


Indiana State Fairgrounds, Department of Natural Resources

Indiana State Fairgrounds, Department of Natural Resources

Indiana State Fairgrounds, Department of Natural Resources


Indiana State Fair Commission

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Project Description:  This project included the rehabilitation of the existing fish ponds, walkways, and landscaping on the west side of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources Building (IDNR), the construction of a fishing pond, amphitheater, and exhibit spaces north of the building.  The project also included improved pedestrian access within the enhanced Natural Resources space.

Approximate Project Cost:  $3,900,000

Breadth of Services Provided:  Design Engineering and Construction Inspection


96th & Fall Creek Roundabout

96th & Fall Creek Roundabout

96th & Fall Creek Roundabout


Hamilton County Highway Department

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Project Description:  The project consisted of the reconstruction of a two-way urban road with a two-way turn lane and two major intersection improvements with one signalization and one roundabout.  The intersection was initially scoped as a signalization, but determined that a roundabout would operate at a higher level of service (LOS) and have safer operations.  The maintenance of traffic for this project included a significant closure on 96th Street which is a heavy commuter route.  The success of the MOT was a result of good communication with the bordering properties, exceptional advanced route detour signing, and disseminated public information.

Approximate Project Cost:  $2,800,000

Breadth of Services Provided: Environmental Services, Roadway Design, Right-of-Way Engineering, and Construction Inspection


Gray Road Widening and Reconstruction

Gray Road Widening and Reconstruction

Gray Road Widening and Reconstruction


City of Carmel

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Project Description:  The project included the widening of Gray Road to a four-lane “curb and gutter” section with turning lanes north of 96th Street to Blue Woods Creek.  The section continuing north from Blue Woods Creek to 106th Street included a two-lane “curb and gutter” section with a new two-span bridge over Blue Woods Creek.  The project also included enclosed storm drainage with grass median and an asphalt multi-use path on the west side of the roadway.

Approximate Project Cost:  $4,200,000

Breadth of Services Provided:  Survey, Traffic Data Collection & Evaluation, Regulatory Permit Applications, Roadway Design, Bridge Design, Right-of-Way Engineering, Land Acquisition Services, and Construction Inspection


I-80/94 Borman Expressway Design/Build

I-80/94 Borman Expressway Design/Build

I-80/94 Borman Expressway Design/Build


Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT), Lake County

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Project Description:  Design Build project for the reconstruction and widening of nine miles of I-80/94 (Borman Expressway) included:  Two complete interchange reconstructions; four partial interchange reconstructions; pavement replacement; added travel lanes; retaining walls; local road improvements; seven bridge replacements; signing; lighting; wetland mitigation; noise barrier analysis and abatement; and transportation management plan.

Approximate Project Cost:  $150,000,000

Breadth of Services Provided:  Roadway Design, Bridge Design, Signing Design, Contract Documents, Environmental Permits, Bid Support, Post Bid Plan Review, and Final As-Built Review


I-69 Interstate Coverage Counts

I-69 Interstate Coverage Counts

I-69 Interstate Coverage Counts


Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT)

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Project Description:  This project was an interstate coverage counting assignment along I-69 from Marion County to the Michigan State Line for INDOT’s Traffic Monitoring Section.  This assignment involved collecting 48-hour machine counts at 218 stations along this stretch of interstate.  In addition to completing the necessary fieldwork, our counting technicians processed the traffic count data and prepared reports (InForm, PRN Files, PRN Speed Files, and PDF Files) to satisfy current INDOT reporting requirements.

Breadth of Services Provided:  Traffic Data Collection


I-70 over Wabash River – Vigo County

I-70 over Wabash River – Vigo County

I-70 over Wabash River – Vigo County


Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT)

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Project Description:  The rehabilitation of the I-70 bridge over the Wabash River in Vigo County required extensive research in order to develop a rehabilitation project that would meet the needs of the State while maintaining traffic during construction. The bridge is 1,961 feet long with 21 spans consisting of steel rolled beams and steel plate girders with a reinforced concrete deck. Preliminary design included multiple options for widening the existing bridge which compared construction cost, user cost, and impacts to sensitive environmental areas around the Wabash River. United successfully developed a project that met all of this criteria while also meeting the user demand for continuous use during construction.

Approximate Project Cost:  $12,000,000

Breadth of Services Provided:  Bridge Inspection, Scope Development, Value Engineering, Environmental Document, Supplemental Topographic Survey, Highway Design, Bridge Design, and Regulatory Permit Acquisition.