
I-69 and 106th Street Interchange

I-69 and 106th Street Interchange

I-69 and 106th Street Interchange


Indiana Department of Transportation(INDOT)

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Project Description:  This multi-agency project with INDOT, City of Fishers, and Hamilton County provided a new interchange on I-69 at 106th street that has served as a catalyst for economic development while reducing congestion along the busy I-69 corridor. The purpose of the project was to create a new access point to I-69 and improve the traffic operations of the adjacent interchanges at 96th Street and 116th Street. United was selected and worked through the evaluation of the different interchange alternatives. The chosen alternative for the interchange featured a two-lane, oval-shaped roundabout on 106th Street over I-69 including ramps to and from both directions of the interstate. Two separate two-lane bridges carry one direction of traffic. The westbound traffic bridge on the north side of 106th Street was also designed to accommodate pedestrians.

Approximate Construction Cost:  $21,000,000

Breadth of Services Provided: Traffic Counting, Traffic Analysis, Road Design, Bridge Design, Hydraulics, Pavement Design, Utility Coordination, Regulatory Permits, Right-of-Way Engineering, and Land Acquisition


New Castle CSO Mitigation Project 8B

New Castle CSO Mitigation Project 8B

New Castle CSO Mitigation Project 8B


City of New Castle

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Project Description: The second phase of New Castle’s CSO Long-Term Control Plan (LTCP) included new sanitary and storm sewer projects in a central portion of the city. The project included placing approximately 6,400 feet of new storm sewer (ranging from 12 to 36 inches in diameter) and 1,000 feet of new sanitary sewer. The project dramatically improved storm drainage for the community and mitigated the impact of the CSOs. Roadway, sidewalk, and ADA improvements were also made as part of the project.

Approximate Project Cost: $2,800,000

Breadth of Services Provided: CSO LTCP Preparation, Financing Assistance, Design Engineering, Land Acquisition Assistance, Bid Assistance, Construction Administration/Periodic Inspection, Post-Construction Monitoring


New Castle CSO Mitigation Project 3B

New Castle CSO Mitigation Project 3B

New Castle CSO Mitigation Project 3B


City of New Castle

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Project Description: The first phase of New Castle’s CSO Long-Term Control Plan (LTCP) included a large sewer separation project that included the placement of approximately 14,000 feet of new storm sewer (ranging from 12 to 60 inches in diameter) with 2,000 feet of new sanitary sewer.  The project dramatically improved storm drainage for the community and mitigated the impact of the CSOs.  Roadway, sidewalk, and ADA improvements were also made as part of the project.

Approximate Project Cost: $7,000,000

Breadth of Services Provided: CSO LTCP Preparation, Financing Assistance, Design Engineering, Land Acquisition Assistance, Bid Assistance, Construction Administration/Periodic Inspection, Post-Construction Monitoring


US 41 Stormwater Pump Station Project

US 41 Stormwater Pump Station Project

US 41 Stormwater Pump Station Project


Indiana Department of Transportation

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Project Description: The project included construction of a 39 MGD stormwater pump station and approximately 700 feet of 48-inch force main. The pump station included a new cast-in-place concrete structure, masonry control building, submersible pumps with VFD controls, screen structure, influent gate controls, and cast-in-place gatewell/energy dissipation structure at the levee force main discharge location as permitted by the USACE.

Approximate Construction Cost: $3,600,000

Breadth of Services Provided: Survey, Planning, Design Engineering, Permitting, Land Acquisition, Construction Assistance


Terre Haute Lost Creek Lift Station Project

Terre Haute Lost Creek Lift Station Project

Terre Haute Lost Creek Lift Station Project


City of Terre Haute

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Project Description: The project included construction of a 22 MGD sanitary lift station and approximately 320 feet of 30-inch force main to replace the existing lift station on the same site. The new lift station featured a cast-in-place concrete screen channel, wet-well, valve vault, masonry building, submersible pumps with VFD controls, dual channel mechanical screen equipment, equipment hoist, diesel generator, site lighting, and various site improvements. The project also included stream bank and channel stabilization along the perimeter of the site and demolition of the existing lift station to allow space for additional site improvements.

Approximate Construction Cost: $5,500,000

Breadth of Services Provided: Survey, Land Acquisition, Design Engineering, Permitting, Construction Administration


Wabash County Bridge No. 645

Wabash County Bridge No. 645

Wabash County Bridge No. 645


Wabash County

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Project Description: Rehabilitation of the existing historic timber covered bridge in North Manchester, Indiana. The construction involved temporarily supporting the bridge while members of the timber trusses were removed and replaced or repaired.  The existing members had to be inspected to determine if they could be reused or if they needed to be replaced. Replaced members had to closely match the original look of the timber bridge for historic purposes. A new timber shake roof was placed, the siding repaired and repainted, and the bridge was re-leveled to its original appearance. At completion, the bridge reopened to both pedestrian and vehicular traffic.

Steve Olsen of North Manchester Real Time Photography documented  the bridge’s rehabilitation in the following video.


Madison County Bridge No. 123 / 600 W over White River

Madison County Bridge No. 123 / 600 W over White River

Madison County Bridge No. 123 / 600 W over White River


Madison County

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Project Description: Madison County Bridge No. 123 carries CR 600 West over the White River in Madison County. The structure is a four-span, continuous variable depth concrete girder with simple span concrete end-spans. The rehabilitation project included a complete deck replacement and reconstruction of the end-spans with prestressed concrete I-beams making them continuous with the existing historic concrete girders.

United developed a design and construction method for this structure that allowed for the deck replacement without any temporary supports for the historic girders. The negative moment reinforcement in the deck was maintained over the girders and the new deck constructed above this reinforcement using a staged pour sequence to reduce construction loading. The design also eliminated two expansion joints by making the approach spans continuous with the main span. This eliminated on-going maintenance concerns for the County and significantly extended the useful service life of this structure. These unique design concepts saved the county in both construction cost and schedule.

Approximate Construction Cost: $1,200,000

Breadth of Services Provided: Design Survey, Roadway Design, Bridge Design, Scour Analysis, Right-of-Way Acquisition, and Environmental Coordination, and Report Preparation


I-65 Added Travel Lanes in Boone County

I-65 Added Travel Lanes in Boone County

I-65 Added Travel Lanes in Boone County


Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT), Boone County

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Project Description:  Design/Build project for the reconstruction and widening of 12.8 miles of I-65 between I-865 and US 52 included:  seven partial interchange reconstructions; pavement widening; added travel lanes; pavement reconstruction; retaining walls; local road improvements; four bridge replacements; seven bridge rehabilitations; CSX Railroad bridge replacement, CSX Railroad track re-alignment; signing; wetland mitigation; and transportation management plan.

This two-phase project involves adding travel lanes to I-65 from the I-865 interchange to US 52 just north of Lebanon. Phase 1 is a Design/Build project that involves adding one travel lane in each direction from I-865 to CR 100 and milling and resurfacing the existing lanes. Phase 2 is a Design/Build project that involves adding one travel lane in each direction and a full reconstruction of the existing pavement.

United Consulting served as managers of the field survey for this project. This included coordination with an aerial survey consultant and two additional ground survey consultants and performing a great deal of the ground supplemental survey, as well as providing ground and aerial control for the entire corridor. When additional pavement elevations were required during design, United Consulting coordinated with the INDOT district and traffic control consultant to collect this vital information overnight on this highly-traveled interstate.

The environmental services required by this project included the completion of a Level 3 Categorical Exclusion.  Major environmental services investigated during the completion of this documentation included cultural resources investigations, noise analysis, phase I and phase II investigations, and a wetland determination and delineation.  The project also resulted in coordination with the Indiana Department of Environmental Management and the US Army Corps of Engineers due to project impacts upon jurisdictional waters.  The project resulted in a Section 401 Water Quality Certification from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, a Regional General Permit from the US Army Corps of Engineers and three Construction in a Floodway Permits from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources.  The project also required the completion of a Cemetery Development Plan due to construction disturbance within 100.0 feet of a nearby cemetery.

Approximate Project Cost: $100,000,000

Breadth of Services Provided:  Development of Project Scope and Engineer’s Report, Topographic Survey, Environmental Services, Roadway Design, Bridge Design, ITS Design, Specifications, Utility Coordination, Railroad Coordination, Regulatory Permit Acquisition,  Right-of-Way Engineering, and Land Acquisition