
Cultivating a Strong Company Culture


Our people are our power, which is why we believe in creating a workplace where ingenuity thrives and opportunity is available. In order to build communities outside of our doors, we have to create a strong one within them.

Our incredible company culture didn’t happen overnight or by chance – we work hard to be proactive to fulfill our employees on a personal and professional level. It’s this commitment to our employees that has made us an 12 time awardee as one of Indiana’s Best Places to Work.

We recognize excellence, take social responsibility, and pride ourselves in creating an enriching work/life balance. We believe that great things and big ideas can blossom when engaged teams work together and feel supported to tackle big ideas.

Together we're United.


Employee Team Building

Top Golf, Bowling, Scavenger Hunt, Team Luncheons & More!

United Cup Golf

Annual employee golf event no matter what your skill level

Annual Company Picnic

Picnic for employees and family at places such as the Indianapolis Zoo, Indians Game at Victory Field, Symphony On the Prairie, Indy Eleven

Food Contests

Employee food contests such as chili cook-off, pie contest (on 3.14 pi day), and cookie tastings

Halloween Costume/ Pumpkin Carving Contest

A day packed full of events with the opportunity to win prizes – an employee favorite!

Thanksgiving Pitch-In

United provides the meat and employees provide the sides and desserts – you won’t go home hungry

Christmas Party

A holiday celebration is held in a new location every year for the employee and a spouse/guest – a crowd pleaser!



We’re committed to building strong communities – a commitment that goes beyond construction. United, our partners, and our employees commit financial resources and personal time to support many community outreach efforts.

Here are some of the organizations we support: