146th Street Interchange at SR 37 ACEC Award 2024

146th Street Interchange at SR 37 ACEC Award 2024

United is honored to have received an ACEC Honor Award for the 146th St Interchange Project! 🏆
The 146th Street Single-Point Interchange Project was a collaborative effort between the City of Fishers, Hamilton County, INDOT, and the City of Noblesville. As vehicular traffic greatly increased along the corridor over the last decade, there was a great need to improve the traffic patterns.


United receives Honor Award for Engineering Excellence on the Heavy Haul Route project!

United receives Honor Award for Engineering Excellence on the Heavy Haul Route project!

On Thursday, April 27th, United received an Honor Award for Engineering Excellence on the Heavy Haul Route project from the Ports of Indiana to River Ridge in Clark County Indiana.

The project was a joint effort with stakeholders INDOT, Clark County, the Ports of Indiana, the City of Jeffersonville, and the River Ridge Development Authority. The design was completed with assistance from American Structurepoint providing the Environmental Team. Construction was completed with MAC Construction and WSP providing construction inspection.

This $15 million dollar project was completed in 2021 and connects two economic engines in the Ports of Indiana and the River Ridge Commerce Center which are responsible for $4 billion dollars in economic output in Southern Indiana.

The project was a collaborative effort between all of the stakeholders, the design team, and the construction team which overcame multiple challenges with historical/archaeological sites, endangered species, wetlands, karst features, and rugged terrain. The completion of this project has seen the realization of the primary vision of a direct connection between two major economic drivers in the area and provides direct access to the East End Crossing Project.

Attending the event were Jon Clodfelter, Jeromy Richardson, Jay Ridens, Eric Harned, and Bob Stein from UNITED, Jack Kaufman and Brian Dixon from Clark County, and Becky Packer and Greg Prince from INDOT.

Huge congratulations and thank you to everyone involved with this historic project.

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united consulting

United Presents at the INDOT Bridge Inspection Conference!

United Presents at the INDOT Bridge Inspection Conference!

There were a few familiar United faces among the presenters during this year’s INDOT Bridge Inspection Conference. 

United’s Chris Dyer and Scott Minnich teamed up with Bill Dittrich, Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) Bridge Inspection Assistant Program Manager, to deliver a presentation on Critical Findings. Chris provided detailed information on the proper procedure for filing a critical finding. Scott followed up with a quiz that showcased many examples and allowed audience participation to evaluate and vote on which project examples represented critical findings.

United’s Chris Andrzejewski teamed up with Jennifer Hart, INDOT Bridge Evaluation Team Manager, and Amy Huebschman of EMCS to present on Load Rating Metal Structures and Concrete Under Fill Arches. Chris worked with INDOT to develop a methodology of load rating metal structures and discussed his work in detail with the audience.

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Beech Grove Franciscan Greenway Trail – PHASE I

Beech Grove Franciscan Greenway Trail – PHASE I

The city of Beech Grove residents can now enjoy increased community connectivity through a fun and safe trail uniting schools, parks, and businesses throughout central Beech Grove! 

United completed Phase I of the Franciscan Trail, a 12-foot-wide, shared-use, asphalt pathway spanning  2.2 miles in length, beginning west of Churchman Avenue on Main Street and extending to Emerson Avenue and Hornet Avenue. 

Constructed using an HMA for sidewalk typical sections composed of 3.5 inches of HMA on six inches of compacted aggregate on Type 3 subgrade treatment, the majority of the trail follows along Lick Creek and also incorporates ADA compliant ramps and trail entrances. 

Four bridges were also included as part of the Franciscan Trail – Phase I project: three structures crossing Lick Creek and one structure crossing Beech Creek near the eastern construction limits.

United provided construction inspection services for this $3.5 million greenway trail. A key component which contributed to the trail’s success was United’s effective communication and coordination of construction activities  with the multiple property owners along the path.

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DPW Safe Routes to Transit North

DPW Safe Routes to Transit North

United worked with Calumet Civil Contractors, Inc. to successfully complete the $4.8 million Safe Routes to Transit North project for the City of Indianapolis Department of Public Works (DPW) — all while saving the City approximately $200,000 and finishing ahead of schedule!

The project’s goal was to increase public access and safety to the Red Line bus route, encompassing a six-mile area from 25th Street to 66th Street and including over 30 neighborhoods east and west of College Avenue.

The Safe Routes to Transit project replaced 301 ramps at 89 intersections and added a bike lane with island planters that travels past the Ivy Tech campus on Illinois from Fall Creek to 27th Street. United provided construction inspection services.

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United makes Best Places to Work in Indiana 2022

United makes Best Places to Work in Indiana 2022

United Consulting was recently named as one of the Best Places to Work in Indiana. This 17th annual program was created by the Indiana Chamber of Commerce.

The statewide survey and awards program is designed to evaluate participating organizations and honor those with the highest levels of employee satisfaction and engagement in the workplace. This year’s list is made up of 125 companies.

“We have many tremendous employers in the state, so it’s great to see more and more companies take part in this effort to evaluate their workplace cultures and gain the recognition they deserve,” says Indiana Chamber President Kevin Brinegar. “These companies consistently demonstrate to their employees how much they value their contributions.”

To be considered for participation, companies had to fulfill the following eligibility requirements:
– Be a for-profit, not-for-profit business or government organization;
– Be a publicly or privately held organization;
– Have a physical operation in Indiana;
– Have at least 15 full- or part-time permanent employees working in Indiana;
– Have been in business for at least one year, at the program registration deadline.

Companies from across the state entered the two-part survey process to determine the Best Places to Work in Indiana. The first part consisted of evaluating each nominated company’s workplace policies, practices, philosophy, systems and demographics. This part of the process, the Employer Assessment, was worth approximately 20% of the total evaluation. The second part consisted of an employee survey to measure the employee experience. This part of the process, the Employee Feedback Survey, was worth approximately 80% of the total evaluation. The combined scores determined the top companies and the final rankings. Workforce Research Group managed the overall registration and survey process in Indiana, analyzed the data, and determined the final rankings.

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Admirals Pointe Bridge is Open!

Admirals Pointe Bridge is Open!

The new and improved $2.5 million Admirals Pointe Bridge over Geist Reservoir is open and ready for business! The bridge replacement project, located over Geist Reservoir in Indianapolis, updated a high maintenance bridge with a more cost-efficient, two-span concrete structure which also improves boater access under the bridge while minimizing additional land acquisition needed to construct the project.  The construction of the new three-lane bridge included drainage improvements, concrete railings, and a new sidewalk on the west side of the bridge. The project was completed under a seven-month closure and re-opened to traffic on June 25th.

 United provided design, right-of-way acquisition, and construction inspection on Admirals Pointe Drive over Geist Reservoir. United’s design successfully maintained the existing road grade, decreased the number of spans from 12 spans at 26 feet to two spans at 107 feet, and improved boater access under the bridge — all while only requiring the purchase of an additional 0.002 acres of permanent right-of-way!

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cone zone

Just in Time for Summer — Beware of the Cone Zones and Slow Down!

Just in Time for Summer — Beware of the Cone Zones and Slow Down!

As the old saying goes, April showers bring May flowers; but, the month of May also brings construction cone zones and this year is no different. Below are a few exciting United projects beginning to take shape.



The I-65/I-70 North Split through Downtown Indianapolis is getting a major facelift which will improve saftey and facilitate enhanced traffic flow in the area.  This project is the first major overhaul of the North Split interchange including bridges, ramps, and pavement since its original construction in 1968. The project is anticipated to be completed during an 18-month closure. Unitedis part of the team providing construction inspection services.

For specific details and up-to-date information including access changes and alternate routes, visit: INDOT’s North Split Website.


United designed this $30 million interchange project along SR 37 in Fishers as part of the corridor-wide modifications to improve traffic flow in Fishers, Noblesville, and Hamilton County. The project required that 146th Street remain open during construction, resulting in the use of cut walls along SR 37 and the design of a complicated traffic maintenance scheme. The lowering of SR 37 by approximately 30 feet below the existing 146th Street elevation required coordination of the drainage design with a separate drainage outlet constructed to the White River ahead of the interchange. The ramp termini for the permanent conditions were designed as well as for the temporary traffic flow conditions required during construction.

I-69 SECTION 6.5

United’s involvement with I-69 Section 6.5 initially began while working as part of a team of designers, tasked with delivering services for the I-69 Section 6.4. United designed the new I-69 mainline from just south of Fairview Road to just north of Stop 11 Road in Johnson and Marion Counties — a distance of just under 2.75 miles. A new interchange at County Line Road was also included as part of United’s portion of Section 6.4.  

Section 6.4 was accelerated and inserted into the I-69 Section 6.5 Public Private Agreement (P3) project which ultimately completes the connection of I-69 to I-465.  

United was called upon to complete 95% design for this $80 million piece in just 12 months.  The inclusion of United’s portion of I-69 Section 6.4 provided an opportunity for the P3 contractor to begin work early while completing the design for the rest of the I-69 Section 6.5 project.  The P3 project was awarded in late 2020 and construction is underway.  The overall project is expected to be under construction for approximately four years, with the County Line Road interchange expected to be completed earlier.

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33rd Annual ACEC Indiana Engineering Excellence Awards

33rd Annual ACEC Indiana Engineering Excellence Awards

ACEC Indiana hosted its 33rd Annual Engineering Excellence Awards Recognition Ceremony on Wednesday, April 14th, via Zoom. United Consulting is honored to have been acknowledged for three award-worthy projects during the virtual celebration!

This city of Carmel project converted the existing signalized intersection at 96th Street and Keystone Parkway to a grade-separated roundabout interchange. The $28.7 million project was successfully delivered through a teaming effort between CHA and United. The portion of the project completed by United included the bridge design for Keystone Parkway over 96th Street which also involved utility coordination and right-of-way engineering. 

This project was part of the city of Carmel’s plan to convert Keystone Parkway to a free-flow parkway and upgrade the 96th Street corridor. The project’s goal was to improve safety at the intersection while also alleviating substantial traffic congestion in this area. The interchange features a two-lane, teardrop shaped roundabout on 96th Street under Keystone Parkway and also accommodates ramps to and from both directions of Keystone Parkway. The bridge carries three northbound lanes and three southbound lanes over 96th Street. 

State Finalist Award: Monon over SR 32

This project, sponsored by the city of Westfield through a Federal Grant, included construction of a seven-span pedestrian bridge carrying the Monon Trail over SR 32 and a future extension of Tournament Trail Drive.  The bridge provides a safe crossing over SR 32 for trail users to enjoy the Monon Trail and improves connectivity to the Grand Park Sports Campus and the Grand Junction Park and Plaza which is currently under construction in Downtown Westfield.

Honor Award: I-65 Southeast Indiana DBBV

The $143 million I-65 Southeast Indiana project was a Design Build Best Value (DBBV) procurement. The selection process was based on the E&B Paving and United Consulting team’s concepts which added the best value for the state of Indiana and maximized the number of desired improvements to be completed for the budget.

The project reconstructed and added travel lanes to I-65 from US 50 to SR 58 for approximately 14 miles and structural SMA overlay on I-65 from SR 58 to south of SR 46 for approximately four miles.  The project included widening of nine twin mainline structures, one latex modified concrete very early strength overlay twin mainline structures, the rehabilitation of seven overpass structures, new ITS infrastructure, and drainage improvements.  


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