I-65 SE Corridor — Perfect Day for a Ribbon Cutting!…
There were a few familiar United faces among the presenters during this year’s INDOT Bridge Inspection Conference.
United’s Chris Dyer and Scott Minnich teamed up with Bill Dittrich, Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) Bridge Inspection Assistant Program Manager, to deliver a presentation on Critical Findings. Chris provided detailed information on the proper procedure for filing a critical finding. Scott followed up with a quiz that showcased many examples and allowed audience participation to evaluate and vote on which project examples represented critical findings.
United’s Chris Andrzejewski teamed up with Jennifer Hart, INDOT Bridge Evaluation Team Manager, and Amy Huebschman of EMCS to present on Load Rating Metal Structures and Concrete Under Fill Arches. Chris worked with INDOT to develop a methodology of load rating metal structures and discussed his work in detail with the audience.
I-65 SE Corridor — Perfect Day for a Ribbon Cutting!…
Discover the Dos & Don’ts of Detention With Eric Harned…