Greensbranch Combination Sewer Rehabilitation
Greensbranch Combination Sewer Rehabilitation
City of Anderson Wastewater Utility
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Project Description: In response to the requirement to reduce combined sewer overflows to the White River and increase the structural integrity of old brick sewers, the city of Anderson installed a cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) liner with the following key elements:
- 85 million gallons per day bypass pumping system
- 1,170 feet of 84-inch CIPP liner
- 2,300 feet of 96-inch CIPP liner
- 9 manhole liners
United Consulting initially reviewed various rehabilitation and reconstruction techniques and systems. Multiple lining systems were bid and the cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) liner system was selected and installed.
Due to the disruption to the neighborhood, public outreach was conducted including public meetings and project presentations, newspaper ads, Facebook, and other media. The public was updated weekly in regards to traffic and other impacts.
Approximate Cost: $3.85 M
Breadth of Services Provided by UNITED: Survey, Replacement and Rehabilitation Alternative Evaluation, Design, Bid Phase Assistance, Public Outreach and Meetings, Construction Administration, and Periodic Construction Inspection