
River Road Finish & Raw Watermain Extension

River Road Finish & Raw Watermain Extension

River Road Finish & Raw Watermain Extension


Indianapolis Water Company, Indianapolis, Indiana

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Project Description:  In order to provide adequate water for the Town of North Harbour and other developing areas north of Indianapolis, the Indianapolis Water Company hired United Consulting to design a watersystem extension project.  The project included two parallel 36” diameter watermain approximately 3.5 miles long through a highly developed area of the City of Carmel.

Approximate Project Cost:  $5,000,000

Breadth of Services Provided:  Survey, Design Services, Easement Preparation, Land Acquisition, and Construction Services


Fall Creek Road Over Geist Reservoir

Fall Creek Road Over Geist Reservoir

Fall Creek Road Over Geist Reservoir


Hamilton County Commissioners

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Project Description:  The Fall Creek Road over Geist Reservoir Bridge Project involved the replacement of a severely deteriorating bridge in a high profile, highly visible, and environmentally sensitive location.  The project also provided for additional travel lanes, an improved intersection at 96th Street and Carroll Road, and pedestrian access across the busy causeway.

Approximate Project Cost:  $6,873,000

Breadth of Services Provided:  Environmental Services, Roadway Design, Bridge Design , Retaining Wall Design, Landscape Design, Water Line Design, Right-of-Way Engineering, Land Acquisition, and Construction Inspection


Wabash CSO LTCP Studies

Wabash CSO LTCP Studies

Wabash CSO LTCP Studies


City of Wabash, Indiana

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Project Description:  United prepared the City’s CSO Operational Plan, Stream Reach Characterization Evaluation Report (SRCER) and CSO Long Term Control Plan (LTCP). United Consulting also serves as the City’s MS4 review authority and has provided Stormwater Master Planning for the Stormwater Utility.

Approximate Project Cost:  $13,000,000

Breadth of Services Provided:  IDEM Coordination and evaluation, coordination with City personnel, report preparation, SRCER Protocol Establishment, MS4 Studies and Evaluations, CAC Meetings, Test Data Evaluation, Establishing and Evaluating Projects Scope and Costs, Alternative Evaluation, XPSWMM Hydraulic Analysis and Modeling, Public Meetings and Presentations, Use Attainability Analysis, Affordability Analysis, and Preliminary Engineering


Hartford City 2010 Sewer Separation

Hartford City 2010 Sewer Separation

Hartford City 2010 Sewer Separation


City of Hartford City, Indiana

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Project Description:  The City of Hartford City began early action projects to reduce CSO overflows and to comply with its CSO Long Term Control Plan. The project included approximately 5,800 feet storm sewer installation to separate clear water sources from the combination sewer system. OCRA grant funds financed a portion of the project.

Approximate Project Cost:  $750,000

Breadth of Services Provided:  Planning, Survey, Funding Assistance, Design, System Modeling, Construction Administration, and Land Acquisition


Indianapolis Castleton Relief Sewer Project

Indianapolis Castleton Relief Sewer Project

Indianapolis Castleton Relief Sewer Project


City of Indianapolis, Department of Public Works

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Project Description:  The project involves approximately 13,800 feet of new 36-inch and 42-inch relief sewer to provide additional capacity for current wet-weather flows and future development in the Castleton area on the northeast side of Indianapolis. Approximately 2,800 feet of the proposed sewer was installed in areas of high groundwater and difficult soil conditions by the microtunneling method.

Approximate Project Cost:  $13,500,000

Breadth of Services Provided:  Planning, Survey, Environmental Services, Design Engineering, Permitting, Public Meetings, Land Acquisition, Bidding Services, and Construction Assistance


New Castle Wastewater Treatment Plant

New Castle Wastewater Treatment Plant

New Castle Wastewater Treatment Plant


City of New Castle

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Project Description: 

2010 Project:  The project included various improvements to the 16 MGD Treatment Facility. The existing secondary 105’ diameter primary clarifiers and 120’ diameter clarifiers were evaluated and improvements made to correct hydraulic loading issues, the tertiary filters were rehabilitated and converted to monomedia high-rate filters and a new sodium hypochorite / sodium bisulfite disinfection system with new building was included. The improvements allow for the higher wet weather flow treatment included in the City’s approved CSO Long Term Control Plan also prepared by United Consulting.

Prior ProjectsUnited Consulting members also designed and managed prior projects at this facility over the last 15 years including: Equalization Basin Rehabilitation, Headworks Pumping and Screening Project, Biosolids Dewatering System Improvements, and other miscellaneous process improvements projects.

Approximate Project Cost:  $1,500,000

Breadth of Services Provided:  Planning, Preliminary Engineering, Survey, Design Engineering, Periodic Inspection, and Construction Administration


Interchange Modification at I-80/94 and I-65

Interchange Modification at I-80/94 and I-65

Interchange Modification at I-80/94 and I-65


Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT), Lake County, IN

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Project Description:  The project included the complete reconstruction of the system to system interchange at I-80/94 and I-65.  It also included the interchange access to Central Avenue and 35th Avenue.  The interchange configuration included extensive coordination with geotechnical due to soft soils.  The interchange included fly-overs and major Maintenance of Traffic components due the high traffic demands.  The interchange accommodated the highest truck traffic in America during the time of the design.

Approximate Project Cost: $190,000,000

Breadth of Services Provided:  Regulatory Permit Applications, Roadway Design, and Bridge Design.


Greensbranch Combination Sewer Rehabilitation

Greensbranch Combination Sewer Rehabilitation

Greensbranch Combination Sewer Rehabilitation


City of Anderson Wastewater Utility

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Project Description:  In response to the requirement to reduce combined sewer overflows to the White River and increase the structural integrity of old brick sewers, the city of Anderson installed a cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) liner with the following key elements:

  • 85 million gallons per day bypass pumping system
  • 1,170 feet of 84-inch CIPP liner
  • 2,300 feet of 96-inch CIPP liner
  • 9 manhole liners

United Consulting initially reviewed various rehabilitation and reconstruction techniques and systems.  Multiple lining systems were bid and the cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) liner system was selected and installed.

Due to the disruption to the neighborhood, public outreach was conducted including public meetings and project presentations, newspaper ads, Facebook, and other media.  The public was updated weekly in regards to traffic and other impacts.

Approximate Cost:  $3.85 M

Breadth of Services Provided by UNITED:  Survey, Replacement and Rehabilitation Alternative Evaluation, Design, Bid Phase Assistance, Public Outreach and Meetings, Construction Administration, and Periodic Construction Inspection


Columbus State Street Connection

Columbus State Street Connection

Indianapolis Cultural Trail

Project Description: The State Street Connection Project serves as an initiative to encourage economic growth and development within East Columbus by reconnecting it with Downtown Columbus. The project created a wider side path along the north side of State Street from Central Avenue to Mapleton Street and also included significant architectural enhancements to the Haw Creek Bridge, the incorporation of new greenspaces, and the addition of sculptural elements along the path. Consistent with the City’s branding scheme, the sculptural elements and crosswalks incorporate the Dancing Cs. A new gateway feature was constructed at the intersection of Central Avenue, delineating the entrance into East Columbus and providing an upgraded connection to the Columbus People Trail.

Approximate Project Cost: $4,287,000

Breadth of Services Provided: Topographical Survey, Right-of-Way Engineering, Civil Engineering Design, and Project Management

Approximate Construction Cost:  $21,000,000

Breadth of Services Provided: Traffic Counting, Traffic Analysis, Road Design, Bridge Design, Hydraulics, Pavement Design, Utility Coordination, Regulatory Permits, Right-of-Way Engineering, and Land Acquisition

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