Project Description:
2010 Project: The project included various improvements to the 16 MGD Treatment Facility. The existing secondary 105’ diameter primary clarifiers and 120’ diameter clarifiers were evaluated and improvements made to correct hydraulic loading issues, the tertiary filters were rehabilitated and converted to monomedia high-rate filters and a new sodium hypochorite / sodium bisulfite disinfection system with new building was included. The improvements allow for the higher wet weather flow treatment included in the City’s approved CSO Long Term Control Plan also prepared by United Consulting.
Prior Projects: United Consulting members also designed and managed prior projects at this facility over the last 15 years including: Equalization Basin Rehabilitation, Headworks Pumping and Screening Project, Biosolids Dewatering System Improvements, and other miscellaneous process improvements projects.
Approximate Project Cost: $1,500,000
Breadth of Services Provided: Planning, Preliminary Engineering, Survey, Design Engineering, Periodic Inspection, and Construction Administration