146th Street from SR 37 to Boden Road
146th Street from SR 37 to Boden Road
Hamilton County
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Project Description: 146th Street Extension Project from SR 37 to Boden Road; four-lane urban section designed to allow for future six-lane urban expansion, including landscaped median, multi-use paths, and curb & gutter; three miles of new roadway on new alignment combined with pavement reconstruction and widening, including two bridges.
This roadway extension and added travel lanes project necessitated the completion of an Environmental Assessment. Major environmental services investigated during the completion of this documentation included a noise analysis, wetland determination and delineation. It also included coordinating with the Local MPO to ensure compatibility with the Regional Transportation Plan and air conformity analysis. The project resulted in extensive coordination with the Indiana Department of Environmental Management and the US Army Corps of Engineers due to project impacts upon wetlands. The project resulted in a Section 401 Water Quality Certification from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management and an Individual Permit from the US Army Corps of Engineers.
Approximate Project Cost: $26,000,000
Breadth of Services Provided: Survey, Project Management Services, Roadway Design, Hydraulic Design, Retention Pond Design & Plans, Environmental Services, Regulatory Permit Management, and Construction Inspection