New Albany Raw Wastewater Lift and Dump Station

New Albany Raw Wastewater Lift and Dump Station


City of New Albany

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Project Description: The New Albany Wastewater Plant had needs at its headworks (raw wastewater pumping station) for a collection system cleaning equipment dump station. The raw pump station required valve replacement, piping modifications, and painting of the dry pit piping system. Another portion of the raw pumping system improvements included the addition of a third submersive pump, VFD, controls, and appurtenances. The Truck Dump Station portion of the project included new facilities for interior truck dumping and mechanical screening equipment to remove debris from the influent plant flow. New structures and a building were included in the project.

Approximate Project Cost: $1,600,000

Breadth of Services Provided: Equipment Evaluation, Design Engineering, Bid Assistance, Construction Administration / Periodic Inspections

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