Indianapolis Cultural Trail

Project Description:  This multi-agency project with INDOT, City of Fishers, and Hamilton County provided a new interchange on I-69 at 106th street that has served as a catalyst for economic development while reducing congestion along the busy I-69 corridor. The purpose of the project was to create a new access point to I-69 and improve the traffic operations of the adjacent interchanges at 96th Street and 116th Street. United was selected and worked through the evaluation of the different interchange alternatives. The chosen alternative for the interchange featured a two-lane, oval-shaped roundabout on 106th Street over I-69 including ramps to and from both directions of the interstate. Two separate two-lane bridges carry one direction of traffic. The westbound traffic bridge on the north side of 106th Street was also designed to accommodate pedestrians.

Approximate Construction Cost:  $21,000,000

Breadth of Services Provided: Traffic Counting, Traffic Analysis, Road Design, Bridge Design, Hydraulics, Pavement Design, Utility Coordination, Regulatory Permits, Right-of-Way Engineering, and Land Acquisition

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