Project Description: The project consisted of the construction of an eight-span, variable depth, reinforced concrete Girder Bridge carrying Carroll CR 250 W over the Wabash River. Project also included a new widened deck slab, end bearing replacement, new expansion joints, replacement of one girder section, and approach improvements. Project necessitated coordinating with the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology (SHPO), and other Section 106 Consulting Parties to work towards an amicable solution. This coordination was documented in a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) that became a part of the environmental documentation for the project. In addition to historic concerns, the project also required further coordination and investigation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to ascertain possible impacts to a Federally endangered mussel. This coordination resulted in special construction techniques to limit any possible impacts to this species.
Approximate Project Cost: $1,100,000
Breadth of Services Provided: Historical Agency Coordination, Environmental Analysis, Bridge Design, Study Report, Right-of-Way Engineering, Land Acquisition Services, and Construction Inspection