United receives Honor Award for Engineering Excellence on the Heavy Haul Route project!

Even in the midst of a pandemic, United Consulting persevered and maintained the firm’s status in the Indiana Chamber of Commerce  (ICC) Best Places to Work in Indiana (BPWI) program. United secured a spot in the 2021 competition and falls under the Medium Companies (75-249 employees) category. Selected companies will learn their specific placement ranking within their appropriate category during an awards event sponsored by Ivy Tech Community College on May 6th.

The BPWI is an annual competition hosted by the ICC in an effort to recognize outstanding companies that foster and promote a positive employee culture which is evident through the company’s appreciation and value shown toward each employee. The results are determined based on anonymous surveys which are submitted directly to a third party survey company by employees.

This recent honor is United’s eleventh selection as Best Places to Work in Indiana and the firm entered into the BPWI Hall of Fame in 2014. Hall of Fame companies are those that have been named a Best Place to Work in Indiana at least 60% of the time in the program’s history.

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