Anderson Signal Modernization

Anderson Signal Modernization


City of Anderson

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Project Description: The city of Anderson desires to upgrade the central traffic system and modernize all 99 city-owned signals. Heather’s team completed a scoping report to prioritize the modernization schedule for the signals and determine the appropriate central system for the City’s needs, while following FHWA guidance. Improvements include new signal heads and wiring, new traffic signal cabinets and controllers, vehicle detection, and pedestrian push buttons and pedestrian signal heads where required.

Existing curb ramps will be reconstructed where required to provide ADA-compliant access. The project will replace aging signal infrastructure originally installed in 1984. In addition, the newly installed signal system will allow City signal staff to remotely monitor and diagnose issues while improving the overall operation of the system.

Approximate Project Cost: $1.2 million

Breadth of Services United provided: Survey, RW Verification, Environmental, Signal Design, Railroad Coordination, Utility Coordination

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