191st Street Corridor Study

191st Street Corridor Study


Indianapolis MPO City of Westfield

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Project Description: The Indianapolis MPO, in partnership with the city of Westfield, commissioned United to analyze 193rd/191st Street from Eagletown Road to Moontown Road. This multi-discipline study required a holistic look at the 193rd/191st Street Corridor over a 20-year study period. The goal of the study was to assess the future traffic needs of the corridor segments and intersections and develop a programming schedule to provide guidance in planning for future improvements.

After reviewing available planning documents and traffic data, Heather was able to develop a multi-step plan for addressing current and future development along the corridor. This plan incorporated both traditional traffic volume growth through the use of a yearly growth rate, and the use of estimated future generated trips resulting from future development. Utilizing the future traffic data along each segment and at each intersection, Heather completed an operation analysis of each study intersection to determine the appropriate future improvements needed. Cost estimates were prepared for each recommended improvement and a schedule or program of future improvements was created to aid the City in planning enhancements along the corridor.

Approximate Project Cost: United Fee $100k, planning study, no construction cost

Breadth of Services United provided: Corridor Planning, ITE Trip Generation, Traffic Forecasting, Traffic Operational Analysis

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