Warsaw Signal Modernization

Warsaw Signal Modernization


INDOT Fort Wayne District

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Project Description: In addition to the modernization of seven signals within the city of Warsaw, INDOT requested United’s expertise in designing the conversion of Hickory Street to a one-way facility.  Existing as a very distinct road within the city of Warsaw, Hickory Street, is a local, two-way facility, has a heavily used railroad located within the limits of the roadway.  

Services added to the contract included survey, right-of-way engineering, easement documentation, a Categorical Exclusion Level 4, additional utility coordination, and roadway design.  Through diligent coordination with various INDOT departments, the railroad, and the city of Warsaw, Heather delivered this complex project on the original letting schedule.

Approximate Project Cost: $1.45 million + $300k = $1.75 million (total both Des. No.)

Breadth of Services United provided: Survey, RW Verification, Environmental, Roadway Design, Signal Design, Utility Coordination

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