Operation Indy Commute – I-65 & I-465

Operation Indy Commute – I-65 & I-465


Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT)

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Project Description:  This project included a new westbound I-465 to southbound I-65 fly-over ramp, added travel lanes on I-65 and I-465, ramp and median reconstruction, lighting, signing, retaining walls, and noise walls.  The new bridge carrying westbound I-465 to southbound I-65 included 11 spans of pre-stressed concrete I-beams and is approximately 1,400-feet long.  The entire design was completed on a fast track, 15-month schedule with United Consulting teaming with American Structurepoint to deliver this successful project for INDOT.

Approximate Project Cost:  $40,000,000

 This video shows the project from start to finish.

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