City of Sullivan Wastewater Treatment Plant

City of Sullivan Wastewater Treatment Plant


City of Sullivan, Indiana

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Project Description:  The City of Sullivan found itself involved with Enforcement Action with the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM). The existing Lagoon Wastewater Treatment Plant could not comply with its upcoming NPDES Limits.  United Consulting evaluated the existing facility and prepared the required Water Quality Standards Compliance Plan for the City. A new mechanical wastewater treatment plant was proposed and the Preliminary Engineering Report required for the State Revolving Fund Loan Program was approved.  United Consulting also assisted the City in obtaining a $500,000 grant from the Indiana Office of Rural Affairs. The project is completed and operating within the City’s NPDES Permit Requirements.

Approximate Project Cost:  $5,500,000

Breadth of Services Provided:  Planning, Survey, Preliminary Engineering, Design Engineering, and Construction Administration

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